2017年度科研论文统计汇总表 | |||||||||||||
序号 | 论文名称 | 作者姓名 | 职称 | 作者排序 | 单位排序 | 是否是通讯作者/所带研究生姓名 | 发表年度/月份(请务必填写月份) | 论文起始页码 | 字数 (千字) | 刊物名称 (必须用全称) | 论文等级 | 是否是sci(ssci、a&hci)源刊/几区 | 备注 |
1 | 吐温40作为谷氨酸发酵促进剂的机制研究进展. | 陈雪岚 | 教授 | 4 | 1 | 是/赖木兰 | 2017/1/1 | p274 | 5.7 | 食品与发酵工业 | A | 否 | |
2 | 蛋白质赖氨酸乙酰化修饰对中间代谢的调控研究 | 陈雪岚 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是/赖木兰 | 2017/9/1 | p126 | 6 | 中国生物工程杂志 | A | 否 | |
3 | 蛹虫草和蝉棒束孢组氨酸激酶基因受杀菌剂影响的差异表达 | 付鸣佳 | 教授 | 3 | 1 | 是/李琴 | 2017/2/1 | p204 | 16 | 菌物学报 | B | ||
4 | Testing of antiviral characteristics of flammutoxin in transgenic tobacco | 付鸣佳 | 教授 | 5 | 2 | 是/ | 2017/3/1 | p429 | 7 | Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection | A | 是/4区 | |
5 | 三角帆蚌热休克蛋白70基因克隆及其表达分析 | 刘毅 | 副教授 | 5 | 1 | 是/吴圣楠 | 2017/1/1 | p50 | 5 | 水生生物学报 | B | 否 | |
6 | Histopathological changes and transcriptional alterations of there coagulation factors in zebrafish following short-term exposure to MC-LR | 刘毅 | 副教授 | 2 | 2 | 不是 | 2017/1/1 | p120 | 5 | Acta Ecologica Sinica | A | 是/3区 | |
7 | A mechanism underlies fish GRP78 protection against Pb2+ toxicity | 刘毅 | 副教授 | 5 | 2 | 不是 | 2017/4/1 | p185 | 4 | Fish & Shellfish Immunology | A | 是/1区 | |
8 | Nanoporous Mo2C functionalized 3D carbon architecture anode for boosting flavins mediated interfacial bioelectrocatalysis in microbial fuel cells | 邹龙 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 否 | 2017/8/15 | p549 | 5 | Journal of Power Sources | A | 是/1区 | TOP期刊 |
9 | Nano-porous Mo2C in-situ grafted on macroporous carbon electrode as an efficient 3D hydrogen evolution cathode | 邹龙 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/7/25 | p103 | 4.5 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | A | 是/2区TOP | TOP期刊 |
10 | Enabling fast electron transfer through both bacterial outer-membrane redox centers and endogenous electron mediators by polyaniline hybridized large-mesoporous carbon anode for high-performance microbial fuel cells | 邹龙 | 讲师 | 1 | 2 | 否 | 2017/3/1 | p31 | 5 | Electrochimica Acta | A | 是/1区 | TOP期刊 |
11 | 梯度有机负荷下农业废弃物厌氧发酵特性及微生物群落 | 黄运红 | 副教授 | 1 | 1 | 勒系意 | 2017/9/15 | p239 | 10 | 农业工程学报 | A | 否 | EI |
12 | Promoting Active Learning of Graduate Student by Deep Reading in Biochemistry and Microbiology Pharmacy Curriculum | 彭仁 | 教授 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/7/1 | p305 | 6 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education | A | 是/4区 | |
13 | 光期位点对茄二十八星瓢虫成虫取食 和爬行行为节律的影响 | 涂小云 | 副教授 | 7 | 1 | 是/方梅 | 2017/9/1 | p813 | 6000 | 应用昆虫学报 | B | 否 | |
14 | 甲虫行为节律 | 涂小云 | 副教授 | 4 | 1 | 是/方梅 | 2017/6/1 | p135 | 3200 | 生物灾害科学 | D | 否 | |
15 | 福寿螺幼螺假死行为的诱导 | 涂小云 | 副教授 | 7 | 1 | 是/周淑娟(本科生) | 2017/6/1 | p130 | 4200 | 生物灾害科学 | D | 否 | |
16 | 福寿螺对不同光色的响应 | 涂小云 | 副教授 | 7 | 1 | 是/王光耀(本科生) | 2017/3/1 | p30 | 4500 | 生物灾害科学 | D | 否 | |
17 | 巴沙鱼皮胶原蛋白的提取、组成及变性温度研究 | 邹峥嵘 | 教授 | 3 | 1 | 是/沈校 | 2017/8/1 | p41 | 5 | 中国海洋药物 | B | 否 | |
18 | 蜡梅属植物生物碱的生物活性和合成研究进展 | 邹峥嵘 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是/涂昆(需是第一作者) | 2017/6/1 | p2340 | 10 | 中草药 | A | 否 | |
19 | Proanthocyanidins purified from fruit pericarp of Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels as efficient tyrosinase inhibitors: structure evaluation, inhibitory activity and molecular mechanism | 柴纬明 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 是/林美珍 | 2017/1/1 | p1043-1051 | 5.5 | Food & function | A | 是/SCI1区 | |
20 | Inhibition of tyrosinase by cherimoya pericarp proanthocyanidins: Structural characterization, inhibitory activity and mechanism. | 柴纬明 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 是/林美珍 | 2017/8/1 | p731–739 | 5.2 | Food research international | A | 是/SCI2区 | |
21 | Rifampicin as a novel tyrosinase inhibitor: Inhibitory activity and mechanism | 柴纬明 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 是/林美珍 | 2017/4/1 | p425-430 | 4 | International journal of biological macromolecules | A | 是/SCI3区 | |
22 | 杜仲愈伤组织中类胡萝卜素合成相关基因的表达分析 | 张俊娥 | 副教授 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/1/15 | P107-112 | 5 | 分子植物育种 | B | 否 | |
23 | Linkage map construction and QTL identification of P-deficiency tolerance in Oryza rufipogon Griff. at early seedling stage | 罗向东 | 教授 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/3/1 | p1-11 | 5 | Euphytica | A | 是,3区 | |
24 | 鄱阳湖4种鹤类集群特征与成幼组成的时空变化 | 邵明勤 | 副教授 | 1 | 1 | 2017/3/1 | p1777 | 8 | 生态学报 | A | 否 | ||
25 | Effect of sex, temperature, time and flock size on the diving behavior of the wintering Scaly-sided Merganser (Mergus squamatus) | 邵明勤 | 副教授 | 1 | 1 | 2017/3/1 | p50 | 4.5 | Avian research | A | 是/4区 | ||
26 | Home Range and Group Characteristics of Wintering Scaly-Sided Merganser Mergus squamatus in the Watershed of Poyang Lake, China | 邵明勤 | 副教授 | 1 | 1 | 2017/6/1 | p1005 | 5 | Pakistan Journal of Zoology | A | 是/4区 | ||
27 | 中华秋沙鸭越冬期昼间行为能量支出及其变化 | 邵明勤 | 副教授 | 1 | 1 | 2017/8/1 | p483 | 5 | 湿地科学 | B | 否 | ||
28 | 江西省输电线路常见鸟类习性分析 | 邵明勤 | 副教授 | 5 | 2 | 是/植毅进 | 2017/9/1 | p510 | 4 | maxbextx官方网站手机登录|首頁|欢迎您学报(自然科学版) | B | 否 | |
29 | 氨基酸对蛇足石杉叶状体增殖及石杉碱甲累积的影响 | 涂艺声 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是/(研究生陈曼第一作者,) | 2017/3/1 | p218 | 5 | 植物学报,52(2) | A | ||
30 | Genome-wide SNPs detection by genomic comparison between Dongxiang wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) and cultivated rice Nipponbare (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) | 张帆涛 | 副教授 | 6 | 第一 | 通讯作者/张朦 | 2017/6/1 | 1-4 | 4 | Plant Genetic Resources | A级 | sci/4区 | 影响因子:0.612 |
31 | Effects of drought stress on global gene expression profile in leaf and root samples of Dongxiang wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) | 张帆涛 | 副教授 | 1 | 第一 | 通讯作者 | 2017/6/1 | 1-11 | 6 | Bioscience Reports | A级 | sci/3区 | 影响因子:2.906 |
32 | Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) peel: A better source of antioxidants and a-glucosidase inhibitors than pulp, flake and seed, and phytochemical profile by HPLC-QTOF-MS/MS | 张露 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 否 | 2017/11/1 | p303 | 6 | Food Chemistry | SCI 2区Top | 是 | |
33 | a-Glucosidase inhibition, anti-glycation and antioxidant activities of Liquidambar formosana Hance leaf, and identification of phytochemical profile | 张露 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 否 | 2017/8/21 | p239 | 7 | South African Journal of Botany | SCI 4区 | 是 | |
34 | Extraction optimization, structural characterization and bioactivity evaluation of triterpenoids from hawthorn (Crataegus cuneata) fruits | 张露 | 讲师 | 2(共同一作) | 2 | 否 | 2017/4/17 | p1 | 6 | Journal of Food Chemistry | SCI 4区 | 是 | |
35 | 动态高压微射流预处理对甘薯叶多酚提取物抗氧化性的影响机制初探 | 张露 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 否 | 2017/5/11 | p169 | 6.9 | 食品与发酵工业 | A类 | 否 | |
36 | 地涌金莲花加工过程中防褐变技术研究 | 张露 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 否 | 2017/3/18 | p517 | 5.8 | 云南农业大学学报(自然科学) | B类 | 否 | |
37 | 铅胁迫下湿地植物丁香蓼的生理生化特征研究 | 简敏菲 | 教授 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/2/1 | p93 | 8 | maxbextx官方网站手机登录|首頁|欢迎您学报(自然版) | B | 否 | |
38 | 不同水淹条件下河岸带优势植物类群的生理与生态响应特征 | 简敏菲 | 教授 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/4/1 | p559 | 10 | 环境科学研究 | B | Ei | |
39 | 土壤镉、铅及其复合污染胁迫对丁香蓼(Ludwigia prostrate)的生长及其光合荧光特性的影响 | 简敏菲 | 教授 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/10/1 | p837 | 9 | 应用与环境生物学报 | B | 否 | |
40 | 基于全基因组序列比对的枯草芽孢杆菌噬菌体侵染能力分析 | 杨慧林 | 讲师 | 4 | 1 | 是 | 2017/2/1 | p651 | 6 | 基因组学与应用生物学 | B | 否 | |
41 | Comparative genomic analysis of Mycobacterium neoaurum MN2 and MN4 substrate and product tolerance | 王筱兰 | 教授 | 5 | 1 | 是/徐玲霞 | 2017/7/1 | p181 | 5 | 3 Biotech | A | SCI源刊 | |
42 | 论高校辅导员的政治定力 | 李非 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 否 | 2017/3/2 | 46 | 高校辅导员 | D | 否 | ||
43 | Autumn Bed Site Selection by Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) in the Taohongling National Nature Reserve, China | 李言阔 | 副教授 | 2 | 1 | 是/李佳 | 2017/6/1 | p384 | 5 | Russian Journal of Ecology | A | 是/4区 | |
44 | 外源锌对茶叶锌积累及主要化学品质成分的影响 | 段小华 | 副教授 | 1 | 1 | 2017/7/1 | p438 | 3797 | maxbextx官方网站手机登录|首頁|欢迎您学报.自然科学版 | C | 否 | ||
45 | The Reduction in the IgE-Binding Ability of β-Lactoglobulin by Dynamic High-Pressure Microfluidization Coupled with Glycation Treatment Revealed by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是 | 2017/6/1 | p6179 | 6.6 | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 一区 | 是 | |
46 | Mechanism of Reduction in IgG and IgE Binding of β-Lactoglobulin Induced by Ultrasound Pretreatment Combined with Dry-State Glycation: A Study Using Conventional Spectrometry and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2017/8/1 | p8018 | 7.2 | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistr | 一区 | 是 | |
47 | Mechanism and kinetics of tyrosinase inhibition by glycolic acid: A study using conventional spectroscopy methods and hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupling with mass spectrometry | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2017/1/1 | p122 | 6.7 | Food &Function | 一区 | 是 | |
48 | Monitoring of the functional properties and unfolding change of Ovalbumin after DHPM treatment by HDX and FTICR MS | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是 | 2017/7/15 | p413 | 6.9 | Food chemistry | 二区TOP | 是 | |
49 | Identification of glycated sites in ovalbumin under freeze-drying processing by liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 1 | 2 | 否 | 2017/7/1 | p1 | 5.5 | Food chemistry | 二区TOP | 是 | |
50 | Fabrication and characterization of nanoemulsion-coated microgels: Electrostatic deposition of lipid droplets on alginate beads | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2017/10/1 | p149 | 7.5 | Food Hydrocolloids | 二区TOP | 是 | |
51 | Characterization and emulsifying properties of octenyl succinate anhydride modified Acacia seyal gum (Gum arabic) | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 6 | 2 | 是 | 2017/4/1 | p10 | 6.1 | Food Hydrocolloids | 二区TOP | 是 | |
52 | Pectin and enzyme complex modified fish scales gelatin: rheological behavior, gel properties and nanostructure | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2017/1/20 | p294 | 6.7 | Carbohydrate Polymers | 二区TOP | 是 | |
53 | Influence of soy lecithin concentration on the physical properties of whey protein isolate-stabilized emulsion and microcapsule formation | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 3 | 2 | 是 | 2017/8/1 | p73 | 6 | Journal of Food Engineering | 二区 | 是 | |
54 | Comparison of rheological behaviors and nanostructure of bighead carp scales gelatin modified by different modification methods | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2017/4/1 | p1256 | 5.8 | Journal of Food Science and Technology | 三区 | 是 | |
55 | Influence of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on the bioavailability and antioxidant activity of polyphenols from Ipomoea batatas leaves | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 3 | 1 | 是 | 2017/5/1 | p1131 | 5 | International Journal of Food Science and Technology | 三区 | 是 | |
56 | The effect of ginger and garlic addition during cooking on the volatile profile of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) soup | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是 | 2016/8/1 | p3253 | 11.9 | Journal of Food Science and Technology | 三区 | 是 | |
57 | High intensity ultrasound enhances IgG and IgE binding abilities of ovalbumin | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2017/9/13 | p2714 | 6.3 | Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 三区 | 是 | |
58 | Promotion of foam properties of egg white protein by subcritical water pre-treatment and fish scales gelatin | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2017/1/1 | p171 | 5.9 | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | 三区 | 是 | |
59 | Effect of Frying on Fatty Acid Profile, Free Amino Acids, and Volatile Compounds of Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) Fillets | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是 | 2017/8/1 | pe13088 | 7.9 | Journal of Food Processing and Preservation | 四区 | 是 | |
60 | Characterization of Volatile Compounds in Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) Soup Cooked Using a Traditional Chinese Method by GC-MS | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是 | 2017/8/1 | pe12995 | 8.9 | Journal of Food Processing and Preservation | 四区 | 是 | |
61 | Comparative Studies on Physicochemical Properties of Bovine Serum Albumin–Glucose and Galactose Conjugates Formed by Glycation Combined with Ultrasonic Pretreatment | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是 | 2017/8/31 | p1 | 5 | International Journal of Food Engineering | 四区 | 是 | |
62 | Effect of high intensity ultrasound on the gel and structural properties of Ctenopharyngodon idellus myofibrillar protein | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是 | 2017/2/1 | p1 | 6.7 | Journal of Food Biochemistry | 四区 | 是 | |
63 | Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of Modified Rice Amylose by Dynamic High-pressure Microfluidization. | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2016/5/2 | p734 | 4.8 | International Journal of Food Properties | 四区 | 是 | |
64 | 微波场中卵清蛋白糖基化产物不均匀性的光谱分析 | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 否 | 2017/6/1 | p1896 | 6 | 《光谱学与光谱分析》 | 四区 | 是 | |
65 | 高压脉冲电场结合糖基化对β-乳球蛋白过敏原性与功能性质的影响 | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2017/11/1 | p90 | 7.3 | 《食品科学》 | A类, EI | 否 | |
66 | 辛烯基琥珀酸-阿拉伯胶酯的合成工艺及乳化性能 | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 5 | 2 | 否 | 2017/11/1 | p211 | 7.7 | 《食品科学》 | A类, EI | 否 | |
67 | Antioxidant activity, a-glucosidase inhibition, and phytochemical fingerprints of Anoectochilus roxburghii formulatea residues with HPLC-QTOF-MS/MS | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2017/6/1 | pe12402 | 6.3 | Journal of Food Biochemistry | 四区 | 是 | |
68 | 响应面优化鱼鳔胶原肽制备工艺及其抗氧化活性研究 | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/5/1 | p160 | 7.2 | 《食品与发酵工业》 | A类 | 否 | |
69 | 淀粉酯的物化特性及对月见草油微胶囊品质的影响 | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 4 | 2 | 否 | 2017/1/1 | p55 | 6.5 | 《食品与发酵工业》 | A类 | 否 | |
70 | 吴城鄱阳湖自然保护区鱼体重金属的富集及安全性评价 | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/7/1 | p878 | 7.6 | 《水生生物学报》 | B类 | 否 | |
71 | 黑曲霉发酵制备高可溶性膳食纤维豆渣工艺优化及其水合性质研究 | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 2 | 是 | 2017/4/1 | p116 | 16.7 | 《中国粮油学报》 | B类 | 否 | |
72 | 水环境中重金属铜对异育银鲫肠道微生物的影响 | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/2/28 | p1060 | 7.1 | 《微生物学报》 | B类 | 否 | |
73 | 超声波处理结合糖基化改性对BSA-乳糖体系乳化性质和结构的影响 | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是 | 2017/11/1 | p11 | 8.3 | 《食品工业科技》 | C类 | 否 | |
74 | 辐照对蛋白质及过敏原的影响研究进展 | 涂宗财 | 教授 | 4 | 1 | 是 | 2017/4/1 | p1110 | 6.1 | 《食品安全质量检测学报》 | D类 | 否 | |
75 | Influence of environmental and nutritional conditions on yeast–mycelial dimorphic transition in Trichosporon cutaneum | 颜日明 | 副教授 | 5 | 1 | 是/祝丽彬 | 2017/3/1 | p516 | 3 | Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment | A | 是/4区 | |
76 | Simultaneous determination of six perylenequinones in Shiraia sp. Slf14 by HPLC | 颜日明 | 副教授 | 6 | 1 | 是/童志武 | 2017/10/1 | p536 | 2 | Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies | A | 是/4区 | |
77 | 二型态真菌形态调控研究现状与展望 | 颜日明 | 副教授 | 3 | 1 | 是/祝丽彬 | 2017/11/1 | p2272 | 2 | 微生物学通报 | B | 否 | |
78 | Enhanced production of perylenequinones in the endophytic fungus Shiraia sp. Slf14 by calcium/calmodulin signal transduction | 朱笃 | 教授 | 7 | 1 | 是/刘斌 | 2017/11/1 | p1 | 3 | Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology | A | 是/2区 | |
79 | Effect of herbicide used with years(8+1)on soil enzymic activity and microbial diversity | 江玉梅 | 副教授 | 1 | 1 | 否 | 2017/3/1 | Journal of Soil Sediments | SCI | 是 | |||
80 | 鄱阳湖南极山湿地不同植被类型对土壤碳组分羧化酶及cbbl基因的影响 | 江玉梅 | 副教授 | 4 | 1 | 是 | 2017/6/1 | 土壤学报 | B | ||||
81 | Scatter-hoarding behavior in Siberian chipmunks (Tamias sibiricus): An examination of four hypotheses | 王振宇 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 是 | 2017/6/1 | p173 | 5 | Acta Ecologica Sinica | A | 否 | |
82 | Research on the differentiation of inorganic nitrogen and total nitrogen in soil at different altitudes in Wuyi Mountains. 2017.3.11-12, Shanghai in China. MATEC Web of Conferences 110, 08018 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201711008018 EDP Sciences | 张艳杰 | 讲师 | 1 | 1 | 2017/1/4 | Matec Web of EDP science | C | CPCI | ||||
83 | Plant-soil interactions affect the mineralization of soil organic carbon: evidence from 73-year plantations of three coniferous tree species in subtropical Australia. Journal of Soil and Sediments, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s11368-016-1602-3. | 鲁顺保 | 副教授 | 1 | 1 | 2017/7/9 | 985—995 | journal soils and sedimengs | A | 是/3区 | |||
84 | 草原生态系统植物地下生物量分配及对全球变化的响应. | 鲁顺保 | 副教授 | 5 | 1 | 通讯作者/研究生 | 2017/5/1 | 585—596 | 植物生态学报, | A | |||
85 | 土壤原位酶谱技术及其在土壤元素循环中的应用 | 鲁顺保 | 副教授 | 5 | 1 | 通讯作者/研究生 | 2017/9/9 | 29—35 | 土壤通报 | B | |||
86 | 凋落物去除和添加处理对典型草原生态系统碳通量的影响[J]. | 鲁顺保 | 副教授 | 5 | 1 | 通讯作者/研究生 | 2017/12/15 | 1—12 | 植物生态学报 | A | 无原件 | ||
87 | 不同温度条件下亚热带森林土壤碳矿化对氮磷添加的响应. | 鲁顺保 | 副教授 | 9 | 1 | 通讯作者/研究生 | 2017/11/9 | 1—11 | 生态学报 | A | 无原件 | ||
88 | H2O2 对蛇足石杉离体培养物诱变效应的研究 | 涂艺声 | 教授 | 2 | 1 | 是/(研究生叶丽婻第一作者) | 2017年11月 | P587--593 | 5 | 热带亚热带植物学报 | B |