● 开设的课程:
担任Integrative Zoology (SCI 1区TOP期刊) 青年编委,担任国际动物学会青年工作委员会委员;
Wang ZY#, Zhang C#, Li GL, Yi XF*. 2022. The influence of species identity and geographic locations on gut microbiota of small rodents. Frontiers in microbiology, (On line) (#The first co-author).
Wang ZY, Cao L, Yan C, Niu YD, Chong K, Zhang ZB*. 2021. Cloning capacity helps seeds of Garcinia xanthochymus counter animal predation. Ecology and Evolution, 11:12639-12650.
Wang ZY, Wang B, Yan C, Yuan SD, Cao L*. 2020. Neighborhood effects on the tannin-related foraging decisions of two rodent species under semi-natural conditions. Integrative Zoology, 444: 207-213.
Wang ZY, Wang B, Yi XF, Yan C, Zhang ZB, Cao L*. 2019. Re-caching behaviour of rodents improves seed dispersal effectiveness: Evidence from seedling establishment. Forest Ecology and Management, 15: 569-77.
Wang ZY, Wang B, Yi XF, Yan C, Cao L*, Zhang ZB. 2018. Scatter-hoarding rodents are better pilferers than larder-hoarders. Animal Behaviour, 141: 151-159;
Li Y, Zhang DY, Zhang HM, Wang ZY*,Yi XF*. 2018. Scatter-hoarding animal places more memory on caches with weak odor. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72: 58-65 (*Co-corresponding author);
Yang YQ#, Wang ZY#, Yan C, Zhang YH, Zhang DY, Yi XF*. 2018. Selective predation on acorn weevils by seed-caching Siberian chipmunk Tamias sibiricus in a tripartite interaction. Oecologia, 188: 149-158;
Wang MH, Zhang DY,Wang ZY*,Yi XF*. 2018. Improved spatial memory promotes scatter hoarding by Siberian chipmunks. Journal of Mammalogy, 99: 1189-1196;
Zhang YH, Bartlow AW, Wang ZY*, Yi XF*. 2018. Effects of tannins on population dynamics of sympatric seed-eating rodents: the potential role of gut tannin-degrading bacteria. Oecologia, 187: 667-678;
Zhang YH, Li J, Zhang DY,Wang ZY*, Yi XF*. 2018. Effects of grazed stubble height and timing of grazing on re-sprouting of clipped oak seedlings. Agroforestry Systems, 1-10;
Wang ZY*, Zhang DY, Liang SW, Li J,Zhang YH,Yi XF*. 2017. Scatter-hoarding behavior in Siberian chipmunks (Tamias sibiricus): An examination of four hypotheses. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 37: 173-179.;
Wang ZY, Zhang YH, Li J, Zhang DY, Wang ZY. Yi XF*, 2016. Nutritional and defensive properties of Fagaceae nuts dispersedby animals: a multiple species study.European journal of forest research, 135: 911–917;
Wang ZY, Cao L, Zhang ZB. 2014. Seed traits and taxonomic relationships determine the occurrence of mutualisms versus seed predation in a tropical forest rodent and seed dispersal system. Integrative Zoology, 9: 309-319;
Zhang DY, Li J, Wang ZY*, Yi XF*. 2016. Visual landmark-directed scatter-hoarding of Siberian chipmunks Tamias sibiricus. Integrative Zoology, 11: 175-181;
Cao L, Wang ZY, Yan C, Chen J, Guo C, Zhang ZB* 2016. Differential foraging preferences on seed size by rodents result in higher dispersal success of medium-sized seeds. Ecology, 97: 3070-3078;
Zhang MM, Wang ZY, Liu XL, Yi XF*. 2017. Seedling predation of Quercus mongolica by small rodents in response to forest gaps. New Forests, 48: 83-94;
Yi XF*, Wang ZY, Zhang HM, Zhang ZB. 2016. Weak olfaction increases seed scatter-hoarding by Siberian chipmunks: implication in shaping plant-animal interactions. Oikos, 125: 1712-1718;
Zhang ZB*, Wang ZY, Chang G, Yi XF, Lu JQ, Xiao ZS, Zhang HM, Cao L, Wang FS, Li HJ, Yan C. 2016. Trade-off between seed defensive traits and impacts on interaction patterns between seeds and rodents in forest ecosystems. Plant Ecology, 217: 253-265;
Yi XF*, Li J, Zhang MM, Zhang DY, Wang ZY. 2016. Short-term acute nitrogen deposition alters the interaction between Korean pine seeds and food hoarding rodents. Forest Ecology and Management, 367: 80-85;
Yi, XF*, Steele, MA, Stratford, JA, Wang ZY, Yang YC. 2016. The use of spatial memory for cache management by a scatter-hoarding rodent. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70: 1527-1534;
Yi XF*, Wang ZY. 2016. The importance of cotyledons for early-stage oak seedlings under different nutrient levels: a multi-species study. Journal of Plant Growth and Regulation, 35: 183-189;
Yi XF*, Wang ZY. 2015. Dissecting the roles of seed size and mass in seed dispersal by rodents with different body sizes. Animal Behaviour, 107: 263-267;
Yi XF*, Wang ZY. 2015. Large and small acorns contribute equally to early-stage oak seedlings: a multiple species study. European Journal of Forest Research, 134: 1019-1026;
Yi XF*, Wang ZY, Liu CQ, Liu GQ, Zhang MM. 2015. Acorn cotyledons are larger than their seedlings’ need: evidence from artificial cutting experiments. Scientific Reports, 5: 8112;
Yi XF*, Wang ZY. 2015. Context-dependent seed dispersal determines acorn survival of sympatric oak species. Plant Ecology, 216: 123-132;
Yi XF *, Wang ZY. 2015. Tracking animal-mediated seedling establishment from dispersed acorns with the aid of the attached cotyledons. Mammal Research, 60: 149-154;
Yi XF*, Wang ZY, Liu CQ, Liu GQ. 2015. Seed trait and rodent species determine seed dispersal and predation: evidences from semi-natural enclosures. iForest, 8: 207-213;
Wang ZY, Deng C, Yun YL, Chen J, Peng Y*. 2010. Molecular detection and the phylogenetics of Wolbachia in Chinese spiders (Araneae).Journal of Arachnology, 38: 237-241;
张东元, 李园, 李贾, 张怡皓, 易现峰, 王振宇*. 2018. 基于Morris 水迷宫探讨不同贮食行为鼠类的空间记忆. 兽类学报, 38:377-383.